Monday, March 31, 2008

Check Me Out

Yesterday, CTW turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and OK practically ran to the TV. I was in the bed sick with a stomach virus so I missed it. Today I was able to catch her in action a few times. I hope you enjoy the following video clips. It was hard to get her to walk toward the camera(I guess she is like her mom when it comes to the camera).


Caroline said...

Can you believe she is walking and laughing already?!?!? And, what a little girly-girl with her phone and her purse!

Anonymous said...

AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH GREAT breakfast video for William and Baby Jay! I of course almost cried...well who are we kidding..I did! WHAT a big girl...teeth and walking all together? What a WEEK!!!!

KLee said...

So fun!! I can't believe she is old enough to walk!

Outnumbered! said...

Aw, I love it when they start to take their first steps, so sweet!